
Lostpedia Season 3 Episode 1

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Lostpedia Season 3 Episode 15' title='Lostpedia Season 3 Episode 15' />Lostpedia Season 3 Episode 12Tom Friendly Lost character First appearance Exodus Part 2 Last appearance Meet Kevin Johnson Portrayed by M. Gainey Full name Tom Friendly. Chronologie Saison 5 Liste des pisodes de Lost Les Disparus modifier Cet article prsente les pisodes de la sixime et dernire saison du feuilleton. In our Lost Finale Explanation we address the questions that left fans confused andor upset by how Lost ended its run. Logotype du gnrique de la srie. Donnes cls Titre original Lost Autres titres francophones Perdus Canada Lost France, Belgique, Suisse Genre Drame. Prop Recycling TV Tropes. This entry is trivia, which is cool and all, but not a trope. On a work, it goes on the Trivia tab. Its been redressed a number of times, most recently for a scene in the Enterprise series finale These are the Voyages., but its also been used as a backdrop on a Sona ship in Insurrection. Lostpedia Season 3 Episode 11This wall, I think, deserves an Emmy for withstanding so much crap. When elaborate sets, costumes or props are made for one production, they may turn up again and again in other productions that may need elaborate props but dont have the budget to design and build their own. While an understandable cost saving measure, theres something about the practice that just screams. If its a real item, then its Off the Shelf FX. If its everything in the room, its a Recycled Set. For when video games reuse. Compare Stock Footage, Palette Swap and California Doubling. Just take it as a given that live theatre companies save and re use everything. The most famous example is the Pizza Planet delivery truck from Toy Story, which has found its way into almost every film. Other popular props include the yellow ball with the blue stripe and red star from Luxo Jr., as well as both Luxo lamps from the same short. These were actual physical props, painted white with. Possibly an artifact of an early script where Medusa was Cruella until they rewrote the story to have a new villain. Originally created for the 1. Forbidden Planet, Robby continued to be reused in many movie and TV productions up to the present day although since the 1. Its two appearances in Lost in Space are particularly ironic in that Robby and Robot B 9 were both designed by Robert Kinoshita. Robby is so memorable that it is less a prop and more of an actual character. Along with all the sci fi shows he turns up in, Robby also appears in, of all things, one of the NBC era Columbo episodes as a robot built by a child genius at a think tank and even as a hotdog vendor in the animated feature Heavy Metal. Hes even listed on IMDB as an actual actor. Seen in the background in some Sci Fi series. Was also in an episode of Star Trek Enterprise. There is a site detailing its numerous appearances. Rumor has it that a scientist at one point mistakenly reported the thing as a newly discovered dinosaur. One can only imagine his reaction when he learned what it actually was. Apparently the original prop of Vaders lightsaber was stolen. This was done not to save money but as an homage to the original film. This at least ensured that the construction costs on the original sets were not completely wasted. The prop department for 2. In spite of which, the audio commentary for The Phantom Menace claims that one of the original Discovery EVA pods can be seen in Wattos scrapyard on Tatooine. More likely its the EVA pod built for 2. Valentines Day Massacre re used sets from Hello, Dolly Corman actually had the resources of a studio behind him, and probably could have built new sets, but stuck to cost saving measures out of habit. While all guns are prone to reuse in film, miniguns in particular are very prone to it due to their rarity in the civilian market. Every single one in the civilian market has made a movie or TV appearance at some point. And, get this, The Muppets. Producers recouped some of their money by reusing Stock Footage of the cityscape in the Universal film serials Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers, while Z 4s Rocket Plane was recycled as Zarkovs rocketship. The last film also re used the Loch Ness Monster puppet from The Loch Ness Horror in one of its sketches. The original Marvin the Paranoid Android from the TV series was reused in a crowd scene in the 2. Mythology Gag. Movie Arthur notices and does a clearly visible double take. Quentin Tarantino, who special guest directed a segment in the film, had them in his garage and loaned them to the production. Both films were directed by John Mc. Tiernan. Never mind the fact that the two novels are set about 7. Interestingly, in real life, the Type VIIC of World War II and Type U 1. World War I had similar internal dimensions. Don Lockwoods mansion is filled with furniture from Flesh and the Devil. Sword of Lancelot. Trinians 2 The Legend of Frittons Gold. They were originally rebuilt to impersonate A6. M2 Despite being noticeably larger and somewhat differently shaped aircraft than a Zero, those T 6s were later used in the series Black Sheep Squadron. Merlin Season 2 Episode 1 Full. They later showed up in the 1. The Final Countdown, which had the nuclear carrier USS Nimitz warped back to the late afternoon of December 6, 1. Hawaii. Remarking on the influence of Hammer Horror on this region of the Disc, he recalls how a very large, distinctively ornate candlestick appeared in every single movie. Except theyre no longer blue. They didnt realize where the costumes were from at first, and did what they could to disguise them, but ultimately, they were what they were. Ironically, the second time Babylon 5 needed the 2. They also, interestingly, used the blue suit, the only one left unused in the earlier films 2. Because of this, its available as a special feature on the DVD release of another Second Doctor serial,. The car was subsequently transformed into the Batmobile for the 1. Batman TV series and was seen as a normal car again in Viper. Which was canceled after less than one season. The 1. 97. 0s series of Battlestar Galactica used the botanical ships from Silent Running as part of the rag tag fleet fleeing the Cylon tyranny. Doubtfire, where Daniel Hillard gets his eponymous alias from. There was also a running joke where they kept using a costume over and over again over one season. It started out as a Giant Grub costume, then turned into a Surrendering Croissant, a Victorious Connoli, a Liposuctioned Jabba the Hutt, a pissed off kreplach, and a Beach Rock. Conan kept asking for suggestions, and even gave out a button as a prize for it. The BBC has large amounts of props and costumes in storage, so the original series has quite a few examples of prop recycling, both in show, and across other BBC series. They then got recycled in The Empire Strikes Back. Romana I and Servalan wore the same white feather cloak, the guards in. Of course, the series shared writers and producers as well, and Terry Nation even planned a real crossover at one point. The most controversial example of this was the use of a Sea Devil costume for the monster in the Blakes 7 fourth season opening,. The Doctor Who team at the time were reportedly extremely angry that no permission had been requested and also wouldnt have granted it. Some of the aliens are made by combining costume pieces from many other species from the show one in particular has the head of a Hoix, the breathing apparatus of a Hath, and the tentacle beard of an Ood. Cam main character has a premonition of his or her impending disintegration by the Daleks, their face replaced by a skull. The normal Dalek disintegration effect used in the series is CGI, but the skull we see in the shot is the practical skull mask used to represent the Vashta Nerada ised spacesuits from. So are the space suits used by the Doctor and his crew in. The Doctor Who New Adventuresexplain that the Vogans borrowed the design from the Time Lords. The interesting thing about this one is that it wasnt necessarily the same wall, but would have been made from the same moulds, which were specially built for the Doctor Who serial. Most noticable is a triple barreled assault rifle first used by the Genii and Satedan against the Wraith, shows up in Eureka with Jo the police woman holding it. All three of them used the exact same glass tiled walls, contestant podiums, and telephone keypad set piece, redressed each time in an attempt to make each show look unique. The props werent all that got recycled all three also shared the same music package, sound effects, host, and announcer.