
Watch Doc Hollywood Dailymotion

Watch Doc Hollywood Dailymotion Average ratng: 5,6/10 1110reviews

Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Historical. BBC Redux was developed as a proof of concept for a crossplatform, Flash Videobased streaming system. BBC iPlayer left beta and went live on 25. EXTM3U 3D EXTINF0. EXTINF0, 1. Erotic asphyxiation is a popular sexual fetish and is not necessarily fatal. Asphyxiation includes strangulation, garroting, hanging, smothering and drowning any. EXTM3U EXTINF0, RS CIVIJAS Rad. EXTINF0, RS MERAK Rad. EXTINF0, RS NOVI SAD 1 Rad. Aryan Invasion Theory has been proved to be a myth and as a wrong theory long back. But let me explain in detail the actual history and dirty politics behind this theory. December 2. 00. 8 Bondage Video Discussion Forum Archive. Canadian As always, great list. And now for the 4th year in a row, heres my annual list of GIMP Best and Worsts and Ralphus Awards Best News for Freedom Loving Americans With the historic election of Barack Obama as our new President, were finally ridding ourselves of the political censorship of this Republican regime thats done more damage to our personal freedoms than perhaps any other administration in history. Will things get better with Obama in officeHard to say, but for sure, they couldnt be worse than the past 8 years. Best News For ZFX Fans After years of work, Rick Masters finally completed DVD conversion of all the older ZFX titles. Which means. Yes. ZFX releases in early 2. Comeback of the Year Award To the Torture Rack Scenes Database. Gone from the Internet since 2. The Electroshock, Whipping and Rape databases were given a similar makeover. Bring Out the GIMP Girls in Merciless Peril October 2008 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video. DVDs or Web. One month of eight years worth. Cookies, which are files created by websites youve visited, and your browsers cache, which helps pages load faster, make it easier for you to browse the web. Eagles Members Will Reunite to Pay Tribute to Glenn Frey at the Grammys Hollywood Music by Hollywood Bug. Best News for Bondage Fans The emergence of You. Tied, a great new site from Master. Detective that gave us free access to hundreds of bondage, torture and rape video clips, without the pain of having to download them. Worst News For Bondage Fans Especially lately, You. Tied has been down more than its been up, and faces an uncertain future at this time. Even Worse News For This Site Without You. Tied, all our databases are mostly without vidcaps and video clips. Biggest Jerk on You. Tied Bondage. Dave, the pathetic loser whose antics forced Master. Detective to instill safeguards against cheating after he was caught voting multiple times against most of the extreme material on the site, then posting anonymously under multiple screen names to create the impression that people were agreeing with him. Best Proof That Dreambook Truly Sucks From March 2. April 1. 0, a total of 1. Watch Doc Hollywood Dailymotion' title='Watch Doc Hollywood Dailymotion' />Dreambooks server prevented anyone from posting to the forum, our longest drought in over 9 years. The Great Dreambook Blackout of 2. ZA4K.jpg' alt='Watch Doc Hollywood Dailymotion' title='Watch Doc Hollywood Dailymotion' />March. Fuck You Award To America Online, the longtime host of all the pictures for this site since its inception. On September 3. 0 they announced, with no warning, that all the files we had accumulated over the past several years would all be deleted in one month, leaving us scrambling to save what we had and find a replacement host. The No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Award My dream of adding thousands of new vidcaps and video clips to the databases was thwarted 3 times. First in May, bandwidth was exceeded within hours of debuting the databases to the public, forcing me to pull them offline and start over from scratch to rebuild them. Then in October, AOL deleted all their free space, so we lost everything we had put back. Then You. Tied loaned us their free space but went down in December, before I could finish rebuilding the databases a third time. Undaunted, Ill keep trying, but meanwhile almost all the links to the stills and video clips are still broken. The Fairness Award For Not Practicing Censorship To the newly created Bondage Awards. Is it possible to give an award to a site that gives out awards Hey, its my post, so why not Yes, they need to restructure the voting to prevent ballot stuffing, but unlike the Signys, they didnt discriminate against people and sites that are more extreme like ours We were excluded from the Signys, despite having enough votes, because we were too mean. Heres to that revolutionary concept of running a fair election and letting all the votes count. Self congratulatory Award To us, dammit Despite being down and unable for post for nearly the entire run of voting, Bring Out the GIMP still finished in the Top 1. Best Free Website in the Bondage Awards. Its a credit to the loyalty of our readers that we finished so high, especially considering the hundreds of fine free sites out there. Most Surprising Winner In the Bondage Awards, with so many beautiful women as the competition Anastasia Pierce, Jasmine Sinclair, Vivian Irene Pierce, Natasha Flade, etc. Best Model was. Dee Luvbight Is it just me Am I missing something hereBest Bondage Movie of the Year Video Pirates 2 Buried. Yup, it may have been originally released in 1. DVD version. Rick Masters of ZFX re edited the best scenes of his earlier Video Pirates series into one torture packed film that features great acting by both villains and a believable performance by Melisa Pope. One of the ZFXs all time best. Best Japanese Movie of the Year FA1. Tales Of Phantasia Anime Episode 1. This film is like a long highlight compilation of brutal prison scenes, not all of them great, but most of them are quite excellent. Running over 2 hours long, cute female prisoners are tied up and interrogated by prison guards, featuring some outstanding electric shock torture and lots and lots of bondage rape. Best Bondage Scene of the Year The bondage rape from FA1. A sleeping woman is awoken by a knife weilding intruder, who silences her with a hand over her mouth, then slaps tape over her mouth, ties her hands behind her and then uses her body like all good rapists should. Simply outstanding. Biggest Disappointment The much heralded and gorgeous uber babe Maria Ozawa finally graduated up to Attackers films. And suddenly she became just another pretty face. Not much was heard about her on this forum afterward. Best Mainstream Film of the Year Mamma Mia, a joyous musical celebration starring Meryl Streep and featuring the infectious music from ABBA. A wonderful family film that will have you singing along with. Hang on, let me do this again. Best Mainstream Film of the Year Exitus Interruptus. A German film that is loaded with naked bondage, torture and some nasty sexual killings to boot. This one blew me away until I discovered that the supposedly uncut Directors Cut I was watching was actually 2. X rated version, which so far Ive been unable to locate. Amazingly, a far more explicit version of this already great film is still out there. Best Mainstream Scene of the Year The gorgeous Rhona Mitra being hung up by her wrists and tortured in Doomsday. How many mainstream actresses agree to do suspension scenes Best Buried Treasure After years of being out of print, a copy of the independent film CUT was located and released by Video Mayhem. While it may have had a budget of about 1. GIMP appeal than nearly every mainstream film and even most actual bondage videos. Most Eagerly Awaited Mainstream Film of Next Year Uh, not so fast, Bill Zebub Heres a better choice the remake of I Spit On Your Grave. It might end up sucking but ask anyone here if theyre NOT eager to see this one. Rookie of the Year Our very own Darkroom, who took the plunge and made his very own bondage film, Room 1. It wasnt perfect but it was a worthwhile debut that has me hungry for more. Most Prolific New Reviewer John Galt, who came out of nowhere in late August to become the Amazing Reviewing Machine. In that short time, hes reviewed an astounding 5. And were not talking capsule reviews, either. Does this man not work Coolest Female Poster Gabriela Atar, who loves putting herself in the role of victim when we have our discussions. Thats my kinda girl. Posters We Wish Would Come Back Jyydubs, who always had the inside scoop on new GIMP worthy mainstream films, and Bobjones, who took time off to move but apparently theres no Internet access at his new home because he hasnt been seen from again. Best poll We had quite a few good ones, including our opinions on vanilla porn, shaved pussies, mainstream bondage scenes, torture porn and Japanese anime, among others, but the one that got the most feedback was when we asked Does your wife or significant other know about your fetish Check out the archives beginning in June 2. Nicki Minaj Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. Nicki Minaj. Minaj no salo Hammerstein Ballroom em 2. Informao geral. Nome completo. Onika Tanya Maraj. Tambm conhecidoa como. Harajuku Barbie, Roman Zolanski. Nascimento. 8 de dezembro de 1. Local de nascimento. Saint James. Trinidad e Tobago. Origem. Queens, Nova Iorque e Port of Spain. PasĀ Estados Unidos. GnerosOcupaoesInstrumentosExtenso vocalsoprano. Perodo em atividade. GravadorasAfiliaoesLil Wayne, Drake, Rihanna, Beyonc, Ciara, 2 Chainz,Cassie, French Montana, Busta Rhymes, Chris Brown, David Guetta, Justin Bieber, Madonna, Meek Mill, Trey Songz, Skylar Grey, August Alsina, Usher, Romeo Santos, Mavado, Nelly, Jessie J, B. B, Willow Smith, Mario, Jeremih, Sean Garrett, Jessie Ware, Bebe Rexha,Ariana Grande. InflunciasLil Wayne, Beyonc, Missy Elliott, Lil Kim, Lady Gaga1InfluenciadosSelena Gomez2Pgina oficial. My. Pink. Friday. Onika Tanya Maraj Saint James, 8 de dezembro de 1. Nicki Minaj, uma rapper, cantora, compositora, dubladora e atriz Trinidiana, naturalizada americana. Minaj nasceu no pas caribenho e mudou se para o bairro nova iorquino do Queens quando tinha cinco anos de idade, se formando em escolas artsticas mais tarde. Depois de lanar trs mixtapes entre 2. Young Money. Ela lanou seu lbum de estreia, Pink Friday 2. Billboard 2. 00 e certificado de disco de platina pela Recording Industry Association of America RIAA aps um ms da sua distribuio. A cano Super Bass foi certificada em platina qudrupla pela RIAA, e j vendeu mais de oito milhes de cpias digitais, tornando se um dos singles mais vendidos nos Estados Unidos. Minaj se tornou a primeira artista a ter sete canes como singles na lista de msicas Billboard Hot 1. Seu segundo lbum de estdio, Pink Friday Roman Reloaded 2. Starships tornando se um dos singles mais vendidos de 2. Ela embarcou na Pink Friday Tour e Pink Friday Reloaded Tour, e relanou o lbum como Pink Friday Roman Reloaded The Re Up. Minaj provisoriamente anunciou planos para um terceiro lbum de estdio a ser lanado em 2. At 2. 01. 3, Minaj j vendeu 5 milhes de lbuns mundialmente. At 2. Minaj apresentava um estilo de rap acelerado,1. Seus trajes extravagantes e coloridos, roupas e perucas deram seu reconhecimento como um cone da moda. Ela se caracterizou como uma dubladora em Ice Age 4 Continental Drift, serve como uma juza no American Idol e comercializou com Adidas, MAC Cosmetics, e Pepsi. Seu trabalho ganhou seis BET Awards, quatro American Music Awards, dois MTV Video Music Award, um MTV Europe Music Awards e foi nomeada como Estrela em Ascenso de 2. Billboard em 2. 01. Foi a primeira mulher includa na MTVs Annual Hottest MC List,1. The New York Times considerando a como a rapper mais influente de todos os tempos. The Source nomeou Minaj a Mulher do Ano de 2. Billboard Hot 1. 00, totalizando quarenta e quatro. Vida e carreira. Incio da vida e comeo da carreira. Onika Tanya Maraj nasceu em 1. Saint James2. 12. Porto de Espanha, capital de Trindade e Tobago. Filha de Carol Maraj, uma assistente de contabilidade de confisso evanglica, e de Robert Maraj, um empregado da American Express. Seus pais so de ascendncias mistas de indianos e afro trinitinos2. Saint James com sua av at seus cinco anos de idade, pois seus pais estavam procurando na poca por um lugar para morar no distrito do Queens na cidade de Nova Iorque. De vez em quando, sua me ia visit la, e um dia, foi busc la para ir para Queens. De acordo com Minaj, seu pai bebia muito, usava drogas e uma vez tentou matar sua me aps colocar fogo na casa onde moravam. Ela estudou na escola de msica Elizabeth Blackwell Middle School 2. La. Guardia High School. Na ltima instituio, especializada em msica e nas Artes visuais e cnicas, Minaj participou do programa de teatro. Inicialmente, ela estava prevista para cantar em La. Guardia, mas perdeu a voz no dia de sua audio. Tinha um desejo de se tornar uma atriz, mas falhou na tentativa de prosseguir a sua carreira devido falta de papis que recebeu. Em 2. 00. 1 foi escalada para o espetculo Off Broadway In Case You Forget. Depois de sua falta de sucesso em se tornar uma atriz, Minaj trabalhou no Red Lobster, no Bronx, com 1. BMW. 3. 2 Foi demitida da Red Lobster por causa de sua indelicadeza com os outros clientes e j havia sido dispensada pelo menos 1. Ela trabalhou tambm como assistente administrativa, atendente ao cliente e uma posio de gerente de escritrio em um negcio desconhecido localizado em Wall Street. Minaj brevemente assinou com o grupo do Brooklyn. Full Force, onde fez rap em um quarteto chamado Hoodstars, que consistia com os membros Loutar filho de Bowlegged Lou, Scaff Beezy o atual hype man de Minaj, e 7even Up. Em 2. 00. 4, o grupo gravou a msica de entrada para a lutadora do WWEVictoria intitulada Dont Mess With, que foi destaque na coletnea Theme. Addict WWE The Music, Vol. Minaj deixou o grupo, insatisfeita com a falta de sucesso. A artista tinha carregado algumas canes em seu Myspace e enviou algumas delas para os profissionais da indstria da msica, gerenciada por Debra Antney. Fendi, CEO da gravadora do Brooklyn Dirty Money Entertainment, que descobriu o rapper Pamel Diansoka, escutou as msicas de Minaj e a contratou para seu rtulo. Ela usou primeiro o nome Nicki Maraj, mudando depois para Nicki Minaj declarando Meu nome verdadeiro Maraj. Fendi inverteu ele quando me conheceu porque eu tinha uma tal rima desagradvel Eu como vadias3. Sob a gravadora de Fendi, Minaj apareceu no popular DVD de rua The Come Up Volume 1. Nova Iorque. 3. 92. Mixtapes e Young Money. Minaj lanou seu primeiro mixtape em 2. Playtime Is Over com Dirty Money Records. Ela lanou um outro disco em 7 de julho de 2. Sucka Free, atravs da gravadora Be. Em 1. 8 de abril de 2. XXL. 4. 0 Ela venceu na categoria Female Artist of the Year em 2. Underground Music Awards. Minaj lanou Beam Me Up Scotty, outro mixtape, em abril de 2. Trapaholics Records, que recebeu cobertura positiva dos canais de televiso BET e MTV. Em agosto de 2. 00. Minaj assinou um contrato com a gravadora Young Money, com distribuio da Universal Motown Records, depois que o rapper norte americano Lil Wayne descobriu ela no DVD The Come Up. Minaj gerou uma grande ateno quando ela apareceu pela primeira vez no vdeo 5 Star Chick de Yo Gotti, o que lhe rendeu sucesso com a comunidade urbana. A pedido do rapper Jay Z, Minaj fez uma participao no single Shakin It 4 Daddy do cantor Robin Thicke. Ela ento teve um verso de rap solo no single Bed. Rock, do grupo Young Money, que se tornou um sucesso comercial, atingindo a segunda posio da tabela musical dos Estados Unidos Billboard Hot 1. Minaj tambm apareceu em Roger That, que alcanou a posio de nmero 5. A cano, e em particular a intrprete, receberam anlises positivas dos crticos. Ambas as faixas foram includas no lbum de estdio We Are Young Money, distruido pela empresa de mesmo nome em dezembro de 2. O trabalho entrou entre os dez mais vendidos da parada musical de lbuns estadounidense Billboard 2. Recording Industry Association of America RIAA. Ela foi depois escolhida por Mariah Carey para fazer uma participao em seu single e vdeo da cano Up Out My Face. Os crticos elogiaram a colaborao. Pink Friday e avano comercial. Depois de uma grande guerra de propostas da gravadora, Young Money Entertainment anunciou em 3. Minaj com um contrato que ela possuiria todos os seus direitos incluindo merchandising, patrocnios, verbas, turns e publicidade. Em entrevista Capital FM 9. Rihanna afirmou que depois que as duas colaboraram em Raining Men de seu lbum Loud 2. Pink Friday, de Minaj. O artista e produtor de hip hop e rap Kanye West tambm foi confirmado no lbum. Em 3 de agosto de 2. Minaj revelou no canal online Ustream. Pink Friday, em referncia a Black Friday.