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Antique Firearms Restoration Blog – … and C1. IMPORTANT NOTICEThis site contains details of what I do – it does not mean that it is safe or legal for you to do the same, and I accept no responsibility if you do. You are responsible for ensuring that what you do is within your capabilities and is safe and legal in your country. Guns, even antiques, can be dangerous and if you don’t know what you are doing get expert help. Many antique guns are of historic and/or financial value, and its your responsibility to find out if what you want to do will damage their value.

Remember, leaving them as they are won’t diminish their value  but inappropriate repair might well make them worth less, maybe much less! If in doubt don’t do it.______________________________________________________I assume he is holding the sling out of the way with his left hand? Ezakial Baker’s Practice etc. Find your way around – There is a MENU of PAGES  used for fixed items along the top of the screen.

All the regular POSTS are in the HOME page – use the menus on the right to jump to whichever POST  you want, or the MENU below the header  will show you POSTS that are relevant to the given subject  and the top menu on the right will keep you up to date with changes…Welcome to my site – you’ll find this post is a sort of diary where I put things I’m doing that are (almost) relevant to the subject – they ‘fall off the bottom’ after a few weeks – bits from the diary may get put into existing or new posts when they fall off. Please feel free to contact me via the comments box in each post or by my email as per the CONTACT tab at the top. If I can I will  respond – email will usually get a quicker response. I am fond of obscure English sayings which are marked* – you can look them up on Google if you  need to interpret them. PHOTOGRAPHS:   Most of the photos on this website are mine, a few are from other sources or are photographed from books. My photos are copyright – you are welcome to use them for your own purposes, but not for gain – please always attribute them to cablesfarm.

All my photos have been reduced in resolution using photoscape (excellent & free) to save space on the website, they are normally 1. The image you will normally see on your screen is at a lower resolution still, as wordpress fits it to the page and decreases the resolution very considerably to speed up loading. Clicking on any photo will show you the full  1. All the photos were originally taken at much higher resolution – up to 6. I can forward  full resolution copies. For serious research publications I am happy to take new photos of guns I have access to. If you right click & ‘save image’ from the normal web page you will get an image of (for the J LANG 1.

KBytes, if you left click on the image and download from the larger image that comes up on a blank screen you’ll get about 5. KBytes, which is what I uploaded to the website  –  if I send you the original cropped image it is 8.

River & Environmental Quotations. As we were designing a brochure on the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, we began to collect quotations.

Watch Gunless Youtube

MBytes  with a horizontal count of 5. So now you know why the photos in the normal view look a bit murky! Watch Manhattan Nocturne Full Movie there. Just click on them for a better photo.___________________ DIARY _____________  _________4th November  – apologies for going  AWOL….  busy & then some!   Just come back from a splendid shoot near Beccles organised by one of our AML group.  Quite damp, but not enough to spoil the day although by the end there were a couple of guns that had started to hangfire or misfire – the guns were quite wet, and mostly had to be carried from drive to drive inside a damp slip, so not ideal for their welfare.  My Egg double 1. I had was when I forgot to put any shot in one barrel!  about simultaneously Martin double shotted one barrel of his gun – probably just coincidence, but who knows?   By the end of the shoot my Egg had developed a light pattern of rust spots on the barrels  – it had been lightly oiled but obviously not well enough!   When I came to clean it the spots merged into the browning after a bit of work with grade 0. I’ll be more careful to do something more protective next time there is rain about on a shoot!  My shooting wasn’t too bad – I wasn’t on very plentiful pegs for several drives, although my peg partner (double pegging) managed two right & lets in good style – I had enough good shots to make the day both enjoyable and satisfying!    I need a rest tomorrow, but its the only chance to get help taking the bath to the dump!  I feel terrible about cutting the bath in half – I can hardly maneuver the lighter half, the whole thing must have weighted around 1.

IMPORTANT NOTICE. This site contains details of what I do – it does not mean that it is safe or legal for you to do the same, and I accept no responsibility if you do.

Close air support (CAS) – the direct support of ground forces by low flying combat aircraft – has been a key function of military aviation since World. The man who was staying in the room next to the shooter in Las Vegas has confirmed he saw multiple gunmen involved in the Las Vegas attack. He grew up an only child for most of his childhood somewhere in the Hampton Roads region of southeastern Virginia, where his father was a commissioned officer and. Lost &Amp; Found Movie Watch Online here. ex cineblog01 è Gratis! Nessuna registrazione è richiesta. Commentate i film loggandovi con Facebook, Twitter, Google o Disqus.

Watch Gunless Youtube

Kg.  and apart from the enamel was in perfect condition  – the casting was a very even 7 mm in thickness – a masterpiece of the casting art!  Anyway we’ll try to get rid of it as its taking up space we need to work in.  The windows are going to be fitted on Monday, so that is another bit of progress.  I’m going to have to do my VAT tomorrow as I got a nasty letter from the vatman saying he was watching me!   And so on…………1st November – Another month gone!  Still destroying Giles’s flat with  abandon!   The kitchen has paused and I am now reducing the bathroom to a shell.  I spent most of today unplumbing the bath and washbasin, having taken most of the tiles off yesterday.  In order to disconnect the bath and basin I had to remove most of the original plumbing, including some in the almost inaccessible  service duct – very tedious!   Having done that I tried to lift the full sized cast iron bath but it was jammed between the walls and very heavy – desperate situations call for desperate measures so out came the angle grinder and I cut the bath in half- I was amazed that it was so easy and only consumed a couple of disks, but it made a horrible dusty mess!  I don’t know if I’ll be able to move it now – I went home immediately I’d done it and had a bath!     My evening reading of one of the Badminton library books of the 1. Apart from some use of neatsfoot oil they didn’t seem to have any good  oils, although it did mention the possible use of clock oil – presumably one of the only non- gummy oils available.   Wikipedia explains that neatsfoot oil is extracted from the feet and lower leg bones of cattle and is used because it is liquid at room temperature, unlike the rest of the fat in the animal’s body – the lower legs and feet not being kept at full body temperature – so now you know – another pearl of wisdom courtesy of cablesfarm!   I have another shoot this Saturday in Norfolk – I’m going to have to acquire some more No 6 shot after this one although I’m not sure where from as the carriage charge is so high! Desperate measures!  It was surprisingly quick and easy with 1 mm blades. October – I’ve been oiling the worktops in Giles’s flat with linseed oil and driers (terbine) using paper kitchen roll and wearing latex gloves – the finish is coming on well, although I’m not sure it will be robust enough – any way the point of mentioning it is that I was aware that any rags soaked in oil could in theory ignite so I didn’t leave them in the flat but bought them home to light the woodburner – when I picked them up a couple of hours later they were very hot!  I carefully put today’s on a piece of metal and bought them home again – this time they were cold but the paper was badly scorched and  brittle!   So be warned – the most dangerous combination is when fine steel wool, itself highly inflammable,  has been used with linseed oil mix to rub down a stock.   I burnt a hole half way through a 3/4 inch MDF benchtop with a spark from a grinder  landing on a dry lump of 0. I was lucky not to burn down the workshop as I didn’t see it ’til days later!